
cqrbBSaw 2024-04-28 11:28:36


It is the first large-scale exhibition to be held since COVID-19 reached Australia's shores earlier in the year, and offers the culture-loving city a glimpse of life prior to the pandemic.


It is one of the three major exhibition platforms for China's opening-up, with the other two being the China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) and China International Import Expo (CIIE).

It is the first time the reserves have expanded seven months in a row since June 2014.


It is the third ADB loan aimed at improving air quality in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area, following a loan of 0 million in 2015 and 9.6 million in 2016.

It is again the time of the year to splurge on the Nov 11 shopping gala, the annual mecca when brands unveil flashy ads and meticulous discount plans to grab people's eyeballs and wallets.

It is believed that the launch of 5G network in Spain will promote the transnational operator Vodafone to launch more 5G services in other countries. The company will commercialize 5G services to users in seven cities in Britain from July 3 this year, and the 5G roaming coverage in Britain, Italy, and Germany will be available this summer.


It is the first time that the World Congress of Philosophy, held every five years, has taken place in China.

It is the first time that SAIC Motor has seen a fall in Q1 profit in almost a decade. Industry insider attributed this to a vehicle sales decline.


It is estimated that the rate will stay above 6 percent with the total sales of snacks approaching 3 trillion yuan (2.3 billion) in 2020 and over 4 trillion yuan (6.4 billion) in 2025.

It is the first physical contract after the launch of Shanghai crude futures contract, which has further boosted the viability of China's first crude futures contract, as the world's largest oil importer aims at creating a benchmark to rival global price markers Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI), it said.

声明:资讯来源于网络,属作者个人观点,仅供参考。 投诉
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